Regardless if you are looking to pay off debt, increase your savings, or retire early, cutting your monthly expenses can help you to achieve all of your financial goals. By taking a little cash from each budget item, you will see big savings in your monthly financial picture. Here are four surprising strategies to help you to save on your monthly expenses:
Cut the Cord
Many people have already discovered the budget benefits of cutting the cable cord. You can save over $100 per month by cutting the expensive cable or satellite television services. Antennas Direct talks about how with so many streaming options available at lower prices, it is easy to still catch many of your favorite programs without spending a fortune. Even just downgrading from premium to basic cable can save a significant amount of money.
Flossing Daily
Replacing lost teeth can be a significant hit to the budget. Committing to a regular flossing routine helps to prevent tooth loss and decay by preventing tartar and plaque from traveling below the gum line and causing lasting damage. Lakeside Dental emphasizes that the cost savings of regular flossing could be in the hundreds of dollars. Because the cost of brushing teeth and flossing is so minuscule, it makes good financial sense to practice good oral health hygiene.
Buy Generic and Shop the Sales
One of the biggest expenditures in any family is the monthly grocery bill. Foodtown explains that buying generic when possible can save you a good chunk of change without limiting what you eat. Try experimenting with different brands and you will likely see that you do not even notice the difference between most name brand and generic brands. Shopping the weekly sales of your local grocery store will also yield big savings. Stock up on non-perishable items when they go on sale to save even more money.
Look for Free Activities
You may do a great job keeping expenses in check during the week but then have a difficult time controlling spending on the weekend. It is tempting to catch a movie or concert once the work week ends. Looking for free activities to fill your time can save your monthly budget. Ideas to consider include hikes, picnics, or hanging with friends at home.
Finding ways to cut expenses will alleviate stress and lead to a happier life. With the right execution, you may not even realize what you are missing.
If you’re looking to take your finances seriously, then you need to get in contact with Kelley Financial Planning! Check out how we can help you become financially secure!