Should You Tap Retirement Accounts Early?

Sometimes, things happen that make it so that you need to access money you have stored away. The hard part is when you don’t have enough in savings and when that happens, where do you get the money from? Here are some reasons why you should (or should not) tap into your retirement accounts early. […]

How Do Low Interest Rates Impact Your Family?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many things have changed. Some things have gotten much harder to deal with, but there are some other things that have changed for the better. Interest rates are at an all-time low this year, which has been monumental for many people. Here are a few things you should do to take […]

How Can I Take Control of My Financial Life?

Do you ever feel like you just can’t get ahead? No matter what you do, does it always feel like you’re swamped by bills and creditors? If so, it’s time to take control of your finances. This isn’t an easy journey, but it will be well worth your time. Here are several tips that can […]

What Should Your Next Financial Goal Be After Paying Off Debt?

So you’ve managed to pay off your debt. Congratulations! It’s not an easy thing to do, and requires a lot of discipline and hard work. Once you have your debt paid off, you might be wondering what your next financial goal should be. Here are some ideas to get you started. Build an Emergency Fund […]

How Can a Family Recover Financially From a Major Health Crisis?

It’s no secret that health care is expensive, even with insurance. In the event of a major health crisis, even the most carefully planned family budget can be entirely ruined due to costly bills and potentially lost income. So what can a family do to financially survive a major health crisis? Paying Medical Bills Paying […]

How Can I Diversify My Income Sources?

In today’s climate, one source of income is frequently not enough to cover all of life’s expenses. But when you are employed full-time, it can be extremely difficult and vexing to work an entirely new job at the same time. However, there are other ways to diversify your income sources so that you can still […]

How Can I Feel More Financially Secure During a Recession?

In the face of recent blows to the economy, it seems like many people are giving more attention to their financial security. Whether you hope to be able to purchase a home or simply want a little more cash in your bank account, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your […]

How Has Car Buying Changed During the Pandemic?

COVID-19 has changed the daily lives of everyone throughout the world. People wear masks wherever they go, staying six feet away from others, and avoiding gatherings when they can. COVID-19 has also changed how people buy cars and may have changed the future of car buying forever. Here are some of the changes to buying […]

How Can I Save More Money for Retirement?

There comes a point in life when you need to stop working and retire. At that point, it’s crucial that you have enough money saved up to support yourself. Not enough money at retirement will turn into an absolute nightmare. So how can you prepare? How can you make sure that your retirement is a […]

How Can I Cut My Transportation Costs?

Transportation can often be one of the bigger expenses in a household budget. Transportation expenses often rise with the cost of gas and regular maintenance for household vehicles. Although it can be expensive, there are fortunately many ways to cut the cost of transportation. Scroll down and keep reading to find out how you can […]

How High-Interest Debt Can Ruin Your Family Financially

High-interest debt of all kinds can be financially ruinous for your family. It can cause you to lose important investment opportunities, hurt your family, and hurt your credit score. Scroll down and keep reading to find three ways that high-interest debt is dangerous, and some things you can do to avoid it. Lost Investment Opportunity […]

Can I Use My Retirement Account For Other Things?

While a retirement account is clearly intended to fund your retirement years, it is understandable if you need to tap into this money at certain times throughout your life. Especially if you have a robust account built up, it may be a good idea to use a small portion of these funds to invest in […]

What Should I Do With a Large Inheritance?

An inheritance is a gift you may or may not have expected. Whether you were planning on it or not, you can put your inheritance to work for yourself today and for your future. You can also use the inheritance to focus on your children and provide them with education funding or a down payment […]

How to Get Back On Track for Retirement?

Are you on track with your retirement goals? Whether or not you are, there are always things you can do to check your progress and see what you can do to get back on track for retirement. Review Your Plan It is never too early to start thinking about a retirement plan. Take a moment […]

Why Should You Be Better Prepared for Financial Emergencies?

Whether you’ve just turned 18 or you’ve just turned 50, it is crucial to prepare yourself well for financial emergencies. In our world, it’s appropriate, and even necessary, to expect the unexpected. Here are just a few things you should prepare yourself for financially: Market Crashes Unexpected market events can result in economic downturns. One […]

How Can You Best Take Advantage of Your Home’s Equity?

Buying and owning a home is a major milestone in any person’s or family’s life. Once you purchase a home, you accrue home equity or the amount of money that your home is worth minus the amount of money you have already paid for it (i.e., down payments, mortgage payments). Whatever stage of life you […]

What Do I Need to Retire Comfortably?

If you’re doing things right, you aren’t just working for the present. A wise person is also working for their future. As you get older, there will come a time when you are no longer able to work like you used too. You may also be facing greater medical expenses. In short, some day you […]

How Does Financial Planning Change After a Divorce?

Unfortunately, divorce is relatively common in the United States, affecting millions of people every year. Divorce can have a major impact on the lives of all people involved, and this can be felt in many ways. One such example is how it affects financial planning, causing major complications when it comes to a variety of […]

Financial Decisions You Need to Make When You Become a Parent

While every new parent is probably aware that their household expenses are going to increase exponentially once they begin a family, they may not realize the extent of the financial decisions that they need to make. Before you start the journey of parenthood, you must make crucial financial decisions to ensure your family’s security. Here […]

How Can I Budget My Money Better?

Regardless of your position in life, it is always a good idea to have a solid handle on your finances. A monthly budget can help you to manage and track the money coming in each month and where it is going. Here are three ways that you can better budget your money so that you […]