Transportation can often be one of the bigger expenses in a household budget. Transportation expenses often rise with the cost of gas and regular maintenance for household vehicles. Although it can be expensive, there are fortunately many ways to cut the cost of transportation. Scroll down and keep reading to find out how you can make this happen for your budget.
Bike More
If your commute is reasonably short, riding your bike to work is a great way to cut transportation costs and get in a great daily workout. Biking can also help you do your part to reduce CO2 emissions in your community. Cities are beginning to recognize the potential of investing in safe biking options. Many cities are creating bike lanes, bike-friendly streets, and bike sharing programs.
Although biking does come with the associated costs of maintenance and annual tune ups, these costs are minimal compared to the upkeep for a car. Walking is another healthy, cost-effective way to save money on transportation.
Cut Car Expenses
It has become common for people to finance brand new cars for up to 72 months. Although having a brand-new car looks nice and feels good, this is an unwise financial idea because your car will rapidly decrease in value as soon as you drive it off the lot. Buying a brand-new car is incredibly expensive.
You can cut transportation costs by investing in a used car. There are a surprising number of reliable, high-quality cars available for a fraction of their market price at a brand-new dealership. There are a few documents that you should bring in before closing a deal on a used car. These include your driver’s license, proof of insurance, recent pay stubs, and credit history. Buying a used car will help you save money on your transportation costs.
Use Public Transportation
Using public transportation for your daily commute can save you a surprising amount of money. Even if you don’t want to completely switch over to public transportation, you can still save money by giving up one of your household vehicles and using public transportation more often. Many cities give discounts on bus, train, and subway passes for frequent users. Although public transportation may be less available outside of metropolitan areas, it is still an option worth considering to reduce your transportation costs.
You can cut your transportation costs through biking more often, cutting your car expenses, and using public transportation. These three ideas are cost-effective, encourage good physical health, and are also good for the environment.
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