
Map Out Your Financial Future Today By Scheduling Your Free 1-On-1 Consultation

This is our bread and butter. We love helping people feel more comfortable about pressing the retirement “button”. Our proprietary software will help us project the likelihood of success (simply meaning that your money will outlast you) and determine whether or not you can accomplish your goals. If the results are less than desired, I will provide you with recommendations to increase the likelihood of success. 

We start with a proprietary risk tolerance questionnaire and then review of your current investment strategy to make sure it’s in line. If it’s not, I’ll provide you with a recommended allocation that is better suited for your risk tolerance and specific goals. I can also review any employer stock options and/or help you open an investment account to get started with investing.

I’ll provide you with specific distribution strategies and techniques to help you maximize your retirement income.

This is the fun part. This is where we start digging into what all this is for. You get to dream big and tell me what you want to accomplish. I help you map it out and develop a plan to get you there. 

We’ll review your income and expenses using our exclusive budgeting software. I’ll provide you with recommendations on what to do with any surplus or deficit. Should there be any debts, I’ll help you decide which one to pay off first. We’ll also discuss the proper amount that you will need to have in an emergency savings account.

We’ll take a deep dive into the benefits provided by your employer (health insurance, life insurance, disability, retirement plan, etc.) and make sure that you’re using it to your full advantage.

We’ll help you determine how much you will need and the best savings vehicles to use. We can also help you with any financial aid questions that you have.

I’ll review all of your existing insurance policies (life, disability, health, home, auto, long-term care and umbrella) and make sure you have the proper amounts of coverage. If you don’t, I will connect you with an insurance agent that I trust.

I’ll make sure that you have beneficiary designations on your assets and the proper documents in place (i.e. Wills, Living Wills, Powers of Attorney, Revocable Trust, Advanced Medical Directives) to protect your estate should something happen to you. If we find any gaps, I’ll connect you with an estate planning attorney that I trust.

Nobody wants to pay Uncle Sam more than they have to. I’ll review your last two years of tax returns and make sure nothing was missed. We’ll also map out your projected tax bill for the upcoming year.

Ready to get started?

Sample Financial Plan

See for yourself exactly how we lay out the Financial Plan